I could now relate not only to the trials and sorrows Job had faced but now I could know the joys that he felt when God gave him back those things which he had lost. “…the LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD. Job 1:21”
The pregnancy went really smoothly and I took advantage of every opportunity to share my joy with the kids and let them get excited about meeting their baby brother. I enjoyed the fact that my belly was growing normally as the baby did and this time I could feel the strong kicking of the baby. I could now do all the things that parents normally do when they are expecting. We could make plans and prepare the nursery and think of names.
The new due date was determined to be Sunday the 23rd of March which was Easter. When Curtis passed away just before Easter of 2007 I could never have guessed that exactly a year later I would be giving birth to a healthy baby boy.
The 34th and 35th weeks of pregnancy came and went and by now I was more than ready to hold this baby and not be pregnant anymore. By now my fears were starting to roll in like the dark clouds of a bad storm. Somebody told me of a lady who was expecting her 5th or 6th baby and the night before she was to deliver, the baby stopped moving, and its heart stopped and died inside her. Would my baby make it? Would he be strangled by his own umbilical cord and die before birth? Would I get to the hospital in time to deliver him safely? Oh why do people tell me these horrible stories just at the end of my pregnancy? And so I surrendered these new fears to God and prayed for peace. And you know what? God was gracious to comfort me and give me a strength of peace that only he can give.
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